Call me 800-921-1008 or click here to visit American Collectors web site for a quote:
American Collectors Insurance is the nation’s leading provider of specialty insurance for collectors. We offer affordable, agreed value coverage for all years, makes, and models of collector vehicles as well as a variety of valued collectibles.
A wide range of collector vehicles qualify for American Collectors’ program, from “brass and wood” antiques to street rods, exotics, modern classics and more. American Collectors also offers all-risk coverage for a wide range of collections from stamps, coins and comic books to vintage wine, sports memorabilia and beyond.
Since our inception in 1976, we have catered to what is most important to our collecting clients – superior service and broad, flexible coverage. As time has passed we have continued to evolve our programs to match the unique needs of enthusiasts.
American Collectors is as passionate about insurance as our clients are about their collections. Between our quick and pain-free quoting and application process to our “Real Person” Guarantee every time you call, we make it easy to obtain collector coverage. Let our reputation speak for itself: last year, 99% of our customer feedback rated our claims process from very good to excellent.
Thank you for making American Collectors your go-to provider for all of your collector insurance needs.
Collector Vehicle Insurance, Collectibles Insurance, Agreed Value Insurance
William Fleischer, CIC,
800-921-1008 ext. 111
• Art Dealers
• Artist Transit/Exhibition/Studio Insurance New Program
• Auctioneers
• Conservators/Restorers
• Corporate Collections
• Personal Collections
• Exhibitions
• Museum Collections
• Business Owners Liability

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