Mailing Address: including full address and zip code
How did you hear about us?
Is the Covered location same as mailing address?
Yes No
Is the location in a designated Flood Zone?
Please Upload Appraisal or Current Bill of Sale for items over $50,000
Are employees authorized to handle the objects in the collection?
Are the cleaning or mainteinance personnel authorized to handle the objects?
Is the condition of objects in storage inspect on a regular basis?
Do you have a commercial jewelry collection or jewelers block risk?
Do you show or loan any of your jewelry at any exhibitions or events?
Fire-Resistant Non-combustible Frame
Is any of your collection stored in a basement or other area below ground floor?
Is there is history of a back-up drain and/or a sewer?
Is the building protected by a fire and or smoke detection /alarm system?
Does your alarm system ring to a central station?
Is there an automatic sprinkler system on premises?
Is your property within 1000 Feet of a public fire hydrant and within 5 miles of a fire department?
Is it a volunteer fire department?
Dead bolt locks on exterior doors?
Do you have 24-hour human guard security?
Do you have an electronic security alarm system in operation throughout the building?
Does your electronic alarm system ring to a central station?
Do you have a UL approved safe?
Is the entire jewelry collection kept in safe?
Useful Information
No Yes, describe below
Art Insurance Now, Bernard Fleischer & Sons, Inc 29 Broadway, Suite 1511 New York, NY 800.921.1008